Welcome to Sweet Royal Pastures website Adults only!!
We have placed this detail over and above all of our other terms because it is the most important. The sweetroyalpastures.com platform is only open to consenting adults looking to express themselves in the form of streaming video and messaging. We have zero tolerance for any minors on the sweetroyalpastures.com platform, whether such individuals are actually minors or pretending to be minors perhaps in a misguided attempt at role-play. Moreover, we have zero tolerance for any image of any minor being uploaded to our platform for any reason. Please be advised that we reserve the right to and do report each and every suspected minor to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and any and all other law enforcement agencies we feel appropriate. If you believe that a minor is using the site, we strongly request and encourage you to report each and every user you encounter which you believe or suspect to be under the age of 18. All reports are reviewed as quickly as we can. If you are a minor, you must immediately leave this site now. You are not legally permitted on Sweet Royal Pastures for any reason, and if we find you on this site, we will report you to law enforcement as noted above. We will not reactivate you for any reason ever.
With respect to all other matters, as we operate an online platform and we are not in the business of producing or presenting cam broadcasts, we only adopt what we feel are necessary to comply with law, community standards and for the safety of our users. Thank You!! Sincerely Mr. Bori (1Sweetroyalpastures@gmail.com ) +1(602) 832-3156